In the past, the name "degradable product" was quite unfamiliar, but now this product has become more popular and the phrase "biodegradable" is certainly heard more thanks to the way it is used. Green living is growing more and more widely, especially among young people who love the environment.
And biodegradable products are increasingly sought and used by more people.
So what exactly is biodegradation? What are the benefits when they bring? This article will explain all the information about biodegradable products.
Biodegradable products are products that are biodegradable, that is, under the action of microorganisms, they will decompose into CO2, H2O, and biomass.
Biological products are products that are usually made from materials of natural origin such as cornmeal, potato, cassava, etc. or made from fossil-derived materials (petroleum).
In essence, these biodegradable bags are no different from normal plastic bags. The material is soft, tough, sturdy and does not leak water, there are many products to suit different needs of customers.
Mechanism of action of biodegradable products
Although it is more expensive than conventional products, there are many benefits that will answer why you should use biodegradable products.
Safe and environmentally friendly: when it comes to bio-degradable products, it is certainly impossible not to mention the advantages of these two outstanding advantages.
Fully biodegradable products can be completely decomposed into inorganic substances and biomass without any harmful residues in the environment. Moreover, the amount of biomass generated can be used to produce bio-fertilizers for plants that enrich the soil with nutrients and reduce environmental pollution significantly.
-Fast decomposition time: These bags have a very short decomposition time, only a few months to a year. Compared to the 500 to 1000 years of traditional plastic bags, this time is much shorter.
Biodegradable plastics are easier to recycle: easily recycled through an organic process. The ingredients in the product are inherently non-toxic because there are no chemicals or toxins. Recycling helps to reduce landfill problems and besides, recycled bio-waste can be used as compost or as renewable energy for biogas.
Some biodegradable products
Currently, many waves calling for environmental protection and green earth preservation are getting stronger and stronger. Especially the young generation is aiming for a comfortable life but closely linked with nature.
Therefore, if you want to contribute to environmental protection, bio-degradable products are a great choice.
See more of Hunufa's biodegradable products here.
-Check directly on the product: Biodegradable products will usually be smooth, porous, thin film and not rich in color. If you smell it closely, you will notice the smell of starch.
Burn: In case you bought it home can also try the bag by burning. If the product is found to be flammable and has no strange odor, the bag is fully biodegradable. On the contrary, if the bag is sunken and has a burning smell, it is a non-biodegradable bag.
-Check the product's biodegradability certifications:
TUV OK compost INDUSTRIAL: The product is biodegradable in industrial composting conditions.
TUV OK compost HOME: The product is biodegradable in conditions of self-composting at home
(BPI) Biodegradable Product Institute Compostable: Product that is safely compostable under specific industrial composting conditions.
DIN CERTCO compostable: The product is biodegradable under industrial conditions
TUV OK biodegradable SOIL: The product will decompose just buried in the ground.
TUV OK biodegradable WATER: The product will decompose in water.
If the product packaging has one of the above certifications, you can rest assured about the product you buy.
Hopefully, through this article, you have learned the benefits as well as some information you should know when using this bio-degradable product.
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